Friday 23 November 2012

Home from Home

Well we all love our pets ,but sometimes it maybe necessary for someone else to take the caring roll just for a while.
I know most dog kennels are brilliant ,but as i`m at home with Honey a lot she is used to lots of human company and I wondered if she would get enough people contact??
So imagine how pleased I was to meet up with a fellow dog walker who lives near to me and on a small scale does "Home from home " boarding.
So one day as we meet I asked if she would consider having Honey for us if we were to holiday and not be able to take the dog,she said yes and we have had our first "getting to know you walk ".
It is so funny as she also has a Golden Lab who is also called Honey !!!! but as she is a little older my Honey thinks as her of a mum... I think :)
So I think we will become good walking companions as well as" Home from Home" , watch this space too see how we get on :)

Friday 16 November 2012

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Happy Birthday Honey xx

Today is Honey`s first birthday ......

                                                  Happy Birthday Honey :):)