Thursday 27 September 2012

wash day blues

Well there are no words that can describe the weather from the last few days .. "diabolicl" is one that springs to mind , it has rained non stop for more than 48 hours.So Honey has had limited walks for the past few days ,she didn`t want to get wet any more than I did !!! but we feel thankful that our house is warm and dry which is a blessing as watching the news on T.V and seeing homes flooded and people have lost all manner of personal belongings ,my heart goes out to them.
So as well as walks to catch up on the wash basket is full as well.
Honey thinks it is fun to help with stripping the bed clothes ready for the washer !!!
I had to giggle as I remembered my hubby taking a photo on holiday of me drying our "smalls" on the front of the canal boat .... Ha Ha Ha

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