Sunday 7 October 2012

Anderton Boat Lift

Well it is Sunday and we are ready for a weekend walk ,but on opening the curtains today we are greeted with thick fog ,never mind by the time we have had breakfast and a few coffees it will clear .
Well it didn`t clear until almost mid-day,so it mean`t we set out a little late today.So lets not go too far ,but we are lucky to have great scenic walks very close by:)
I recently bought a book called a "Cheshire Dog Walkers Guide"written by Judy Smith, even though you think you know the area where you live well you can always find some-where new to discover so I am always on the look to broaden our walk horizons.
So we chose a walk which starts at Northwich taking you through woodlands and marshes and eventually arrives at Anderton Boat Lift.
The boat lift was built in 1875 and was restored in 2002.Boats enter 75ft tanks which are filled with water,they are then lowered from the Trent and Mersey Canal onto the river Weaver or vise versa.It truly is a wonderful piece of engineering.

                                         Rugged landscape looking over the salt marshes

How beautiful and peaceful

                                                            Anderton Boat Lift

                                                     The best signpost on the walk :)

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