Sunday 19 May 2013

Messing about by the river......

Messing about by the river .... the river Weaver that is.
We start our walk today along the river Weaver at Hartford near Northwich.We parked at a large lay-by and picnic area.
The first woodland sight we came across was a carpet of bluebells stretching out before us with the air full of the onion smell of wood anemones, it was so tranquil.

                                                                    wood anemones

Even though the weather has been dry of late ,Honey still managed to find a lovely wet muddy patch :)

After walking through the woodland we eventually meet the river Weaver where we cross a bridge which narrow boats travel under whilst navigating the Weaver.

We met all the usual wild birds along our walk, Swans ,Moorhens, Ducks and fantastic scenery

                                                So , we have yet again found an amazing walk :)

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