Monday, 28 April 2014


It`s a beautiful Sunday morning , we pack our lunch into our rucksack and head for the "Peak District " hills.
We decide to walk the Lady bower Reservoir today , we have driven past but never stopped to walk and admire this fantastic scenery.
Before WW11 the new reservoir was started and finished in 1946 , two villages ,Ashopton and Derwent were demolished and flooded to make the new water provider.

There was lots of designated parking areas along the winding road which lead to a visitor centre and toilets and refreshments were available.
We parked along the roadside and walked down a slope to meet the path.

The path has some unusual way markers which I thought were fabulous.

Honey enjoyed her walk as we did , and the views were great.


                                We look forward to walking in the Peak District again soon :)

Friday, 18 April 2014

Beacon Fell and River Brock

Well it`s Good Friday and the sun is shinning :) we haven`t done a walk any distance from home for a while and the weather is just perfect today.
Earlier in the year whilst in a walking and leisure shop we came across a book containing walks around the Forest Of Bowland , we have driven many times through this part of Lancashire but rarely stopped for the day and walked , so we decided to buy the book and this year head to this stunning area and take in the sights.
On our first walk we were not disappointed with the views ,with such perfect weather we could make out Blackpool Tower in the distance.

                                                                      Stunning views

We park at Beacon Fell Country Park , there is a visitor centre with lots of helpful information , toilets , refreshments and ice cream ...oh and a funny face sculpture ....

The first part of our walk is high up with great views towards Blackpool , then we descend through dense woodland , then the route takes us along the River Brock where Honey was in her element ....

 We usually take a picnic on our walks and today is no exception , we find a bench beside the river and enjoy our refreshment , all the picnic tables were taken with families also enjoying the great Easter weather :)

There were some ladder stiles that Honey had to negotiate , but with some pushing shoving and lots of encouragement she made it over them.

The walk then climbs back up and back to the car park where we started , and a welcome ice cream was our reward :)

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Where does the time go ????

Well ,what can I say ....... where has the past 12 weeks gone since my last post .... I`ll tell you where , hubby and me had a holiday to Madeira ,we did some lovely Lavarda Walks , these are channels in the hillside which bring water down to farm land etc and act as irrigation systems for growing crops ,veg etc.You can walk along side them like we have paths alongside canals here.

                                             part of Lavarda walk from Monte - Funchal

Honey enjoyed her holiday with a family she stays with on a "Home from Home " arrangement , she is really spoilt  :) I`m surprised she wants to come home

We have done lots of local walks and at least we are now hat and mitten free as the weather starts to warm up.

                                                                 collection of mitts

But after such a wet winter and still having rainy days I fear it maybe a while longer before the wellies can be put away :(

                                                           Array of wellington boots