Tuesday 8 April 2014

Where does the time go ????

Well ,what can I say ....... where has the past 12 weeks gone since my last post .... I`ll tell you where , hubby and me had a holiday to Madeira ,we did some lovely Lavarda Walks , these are channels in the hillside which bring water down to farm land etc and act as irrigation systems for growing crops ,veg etc.You can walk along side them like we have paths alongside canals here.

                                             part of Lavarda walk from Monte - Funchal

Honey enjoyed her holiday with a family she stays with on a "Home from Home " arrangement , she is really spoilt  :) I`m surprised she wants to come home ...lol

We have done lots of local walks and at least we are now hat and mitten free as the weather starts to warm up.

                                                                 collection of mitts

But after such a wet winter and still having rainy days I fear it maybe a while longer before the wellies can be put away :(

                                                           Array of wellington boots

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