Thursday, 13 November 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday ...:)

Well first of all I must say I can not believe I have not posted anything since May !!!! I can not believe it has been sooooo long :) But we have been very busy with the unexpected sale of our house.We always thought we would down size in the next few years but a property came on the market that took our eye so we decided to put ours on the market.I am a great believer in "What will be will be " and fate , and cutting a long story short we sold fairly quickly and managed to buy the house we were taken by.It is in a lovely position on the side of a canal , we have great neighbours who come to the banks and tease Honey

                                                            meet the neighbours

 and Im sure there will be narrow boat trips to report in the near future.

We have lots of new foot paths to explore and are making friends with all the local dog walkers who are very taken with Honey.

                                But for today we wish Honey a great 3rd birthday xx

                                              Formby Beach September 2014

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