Wednesday 26 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Well we hope you and your pets have had a lovely Christmas :):)
It is Honey`s first Christmas with us as last year she was still with her mum and brothers and sister.
Would Santa know where she now lives ??? you bet he did .....ha ha ha.

                                                              which one is for me ??

After a fairly lazy Christmas day it is such a lovely Boxing day morning we decide to have a walk to a local pub where on Boxing day every year vintage vehicles of all description and steam engines have meet up,it is a lovely sight to see and very popular with the locals and visitors alike.

So that's the Christmas pud walked off for another year .... I wish   ha ha ha ......
We just get home in time as it is now raining ,so feet up and watch a bit of telly we think ....

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