Tuesday 14 August 2012

It Ain`t Half Hot Mum

Phew .... with it being so hot today we decided to leave going out for a walk till early evening after tea.
It was still warm but much fresher and pleasant to walk.
Another regular dog walk not too far from home is to a manmade wood run by the Woodland Trust called "spud wood " so we headed there.
There is quite a large car park with a small bridge to walk over the Bridgewater canal and into the wood.There are numerous paths running around and inside the wooded area.It is ideal for walking along the canal towpath as well.
I was pleasantly surprised that there wasn`t a lot of others around being a cooler part of the day,we met two springer spaniels with thier owner and that was all,though we could hear play full barks echoing around.

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